Welcome to our new zone 6 page, where we can share information that is going on within our zone, zone 6 is the City of Edmonton.
First order of business is the Zone 6 spring meeting on Tuesday March 17, 7:00 pm at Homesteader Community Hall 575 Hermitage Road, Edmonton.
Softball Alberta would like this first newsletter to be where we introduce our self to the membership.
I have been with involved with Softball in Zone 6 for 10 years, started with coaching my daughters T-Ball/Coach pitch teams, and have continued on from there. I am currently a Comp Intro Certified Coach and have started the process to become a Comp Dev level coach.
I have been District Organizer for zone 6 for the past 2 years, and member of the Edmonton Warriors Association for the past 10 years also.
Was the one of the Alberta coaches for the past return trip by the Hokkaido team when they came to Alberta. I have participated in provincials as a coach and also as Softball Alberta Delegate.
I have been involved with the sport for over 40 years from a player to coach, and all the other hats that go along with those roles. I am grateful that both my daughters have the same passion for the game which will allow me to continue with being involved for years to come.
Will Spreadbury
D.O Zone 6