Softball Alberta is committed to a safe and positive softball experience for all members within our association.  If you are a member and/or parent/guardian of a member and have exhausted all avenues from within your Team or Association and would like to register a complaint about one of our Members, Teams, or Associations, please click on the below link to download the form and receive instructions on how to submit.

BEFORE PROCEEDING: It is expected that the complaint should initially be registered at the level it occurred and all avenues of resolution should be sought and recorded at the Team or Association level prior to rising to Softball Alberta’s attention.  You will need documentation of these attempts at resolution including names and positions involved to fill in the form. You will be required to identify yourself and provide witnesses.

All registered complaints will be dealt with in a reasonable time frame.  Complainants should be aware that Softball Alberta may determine that the complaint should be referred to a third party, such as Abuse Free Sport Helpline, Alberta Human Rights Commission or to the local police in the area the incident occurred, by the Complainant.

Softball Alberta is not an official investigative body, nor certified to determine what is or is not a crime or human rights violation.  The Committee will only be able to respond to what is recorded on the Complaint Form and refer to its contents accordingly.

Softball Alberta will not take complaints about the following issues:

  • Internal disagreements within a Team / Association regarding policies and procedures
  • “One off” confrontations between coach/administration and player/parent plus any continuation of dispute over that incident (unless it rises to physical assault)**
  • Player selection processes for any Team / Association
  • Position assignment for any player
  • Playing time issues
  • Strategy disagreements or coaching/staffing assignments
  • Coach / Staff selection process and activities
  • Game scheduling (unless it directly violates LTAD principles)
  • Game outcomes
  • Officiating concerns** (see ASUA Branch Contact List)
  • Any complaint about language used in practice or games unless it can be directly attributable to a specific individual, deemed chronic and rises to human rights abuse (i.e. racial, gender based or other discriminatory language)
  • Any issues the Complaint Committee deems should remain local

** unless these complaints take place at Softball Alberta Provincial Tiering Weekends or Provincial Championship events
