- Dwayne Singer Certified CANpitch Instructor
- Dwayne has a lengthy and outstanding Fastball history that spans over 30+ years
- Among his many accomplishments in this sport, in 2005 he was the Male Softball Player of the Year within Softball Alberta.
- He has competed in numerus Provincial, Western and Canadian Championships
- Dwayne’s softball career has allowed him to play softball in Australia, United States, Europe, and all across Canada
- Numerous Pitching awards (Local & International)
- Assistant Coach for team Alberta at the U21 Men’s Fastball International Championship
- Assistant Coach Zone 3 Boys – Alberta Summer Games 2014
- NCCP Level II Certified
- NCCP Level III Trained
- Certified Level I Umpire
- Vice President Nosecreek Softball Association
- Softball Alberta Board Member 2009-2015
- Team Alberta Head Coach for the WCSG 2019